Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sandra Richter's series on the Book of Ruth

COMMITTEE ON BIBLE TRANSLATION - Dr. Sandra Richter is among those honored to serve on the committee that oversees the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Some the scholars pictured in the photo include: Bruce Waltke, Richard Hess, Daniel Wallace, Jeannine Brown, Mark Strauss, Simon Gathercole, Douglas Moo, Bill Mounce, Craig Blomberg, Dr. Richter, and Mark Boda.

This is the third consecutive week that Dr. Sandra Richter has been featured here on Charismatic Scholarship. As was mentioned last week, she is an Old Testament scholar and currently teaches at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.

She has written a book entitled, The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament. In conjunction with the book, she has recorded a video teaching series on the Book of Ruth. The entire series can be purchased at this link, while the first three videos in the series can be viewed below:

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